Benefits of Using Personalised Primary School Report Writers

We all know how important school reports are, but for teachers, it can be a time of dread. Why? Because writing a personalised report for every single student is incredibly time-consuming.

After a long, hard day at work, the last thing teachers want to do is spend hours on end generating personalised report after personalised report. It’s not that they don’t care, they do. But for a lot of students, things can get repetitive.

How do you avoid falling into that slump of generic responses that are being copy and pasted between each report? We might just have the solution for you. School report writing tools are out there, available for use and ready to streamline the whole process for you.

There are many different school report writers out there, so be sure to have a look around, but a good place to start would be ‘Educater’ ( But before that, we’ll explain just what exactly they offer and what benefits they can offer you.  

The ultimate end goal is for each report to seem completely personalised, without costing you hours of your time creating them. Sounds good, right? At primary school level specifically, there are so many reports that generally have the same outcome, so there’s absolutely no reason for them to take you longer than necessary.

School report writers tend to have certain phrases built-in for you to choose between, of course, there is still the option to write your own. But, just by not having to type certain phrases, you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll save.

But how does it help with personalisation? The answer is time. By cutting down the time it takes you to format, access the child’s information and so forth. You’ll be giving yourself a lot more freedom to focus on those all-important personalised comments.

That’s not all though! Here are some key benefits of school report writers:


School report writers tend to come with a visual timeline so you can see your progress, your deadlines and anything overdue. Nothing will slip under the radar with these.

Admin Time

Not only will you be building up a bank of reports over time, but you’ll also be cutting down your admin time ten-fold. No more copy and pasting between word documents. No more trying to get the formatting just perfect and certainly no more piles and piles of paper as you’ll have access to each child’s information all in one place here with the integration of their pupil passports.

Communication and Feedback

The SLT (School Leadership Team) will have instant access to the reports you draft and will be able to approve comments and make any suggestions.


The SLT where possible are additionally able to email reports directly to parents if they so wish.

Parents will love it! 

Once a parent opens their child’s report to see a thorough, well thought out, personalised report. You’ll definitely be in their good books, even if there are behavioural issues to address!